The Founder of Nabugabo Up deal Joint Venture

The late Hajji Abdu Musa Ssenyondo was the founder and former Managing director of Nabugabo Up deal Joint Venture from 1998 to 2021.

Between December 1997 and March 1998, there was a Cholera outbreak in Kampala. The outbreak was due to poor sanitary conditions prevailing in the city slums of Kampala. 6228 cases of cholera were reported, of which 1091 (17.5%) were children under five years of age. The overall attack rate was 0.62%, similar in the under-fives and five and above age groups.

In 1998, the late Hajji Abdu Musa Ssenyondo started Nabugabo Updeal Joint Venture with an idea of offering waste solid management services within the city of Kampala (Central Business District), in bid to fight the Cholera outbreak reported in 1997. The name Nabugabo derived from a city area called Nabugabo where the late Hajji Abdu Musa Ssenyondo used to conduct most of his businesses.

Hajji Abdu Musa Ssenyondo started up Nabugabo Updeal Joint Venture together with three other city businessmen in 1998 but it has since grown into one of the biggest Leading Solid Waste Service Provider in Uganda. Hajji Abdu Musa Ssenyondo served as the managing director since its formation up to 2021.

The highly, great man worthy living, founder of  Nabugabo Up deal Joint Venture THE LATE HAJJI SENYONDO ABU MUSA , May His Soul Rest in internal peace.