Event Services

Event Services

Large scale events such as music concerts, festivals and sporting competitions all require significant planning and execution of a suitable waste and recycling strategy to cope with the impact of large crowds and their subsequent waste generation.

Nabugabo Updeal Joint Venture can provide the pre, during and post event facilities to cope with the waste impact that 30,000 plus people can have on a venue.

Event organizers avoid disruption and dissatisfaction with the waste solutions for their events as the waste simply disappears via NUJV Service efficient and professional management procedures.

Event Services Waste Management Strategies

  • Waste bins are strategically located around the venue for easy access, and in sufficient quantities to cope with the needs of the situation.
  • Site personnel utilise interpersonal communication technology to respond quickly to the emptying/replacement of bins, eliminating potential waste overflow issues.
  • Post event litter, solid or liquid wastes are quickly removed restoring the site back to its original condition.
  • Nabugabo Updeal Joint Venture bins are labelled with recycling stickers, to ensure that the event maximises the recovery of recyclable waste and to reduce cross contamination of waste streams.

+256 704 094 068 | +256 700 983 346


Plot 18 Namirembe Road Lions Arcade Second Floor Rm 10